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Song of the Desert

Song of the Desert

Chant grégorien

Les Solistes de la musique Byzantine
Song of the Desert
01 - Ave Maria
03 - O Adonaï
05 - Alleluia Veni Domine
10 - Hosanna Filio David
21 - Salve Regina

Gregorian Chant


Frédéric Tavernier-Vellas


In the desert, Man is invited to divest himself to worship his God. This recording of Gregorian pieces of rare beauty takes the listener on an itinerary of contemplation of the mysteries of the Gospel, renewed by an interpretation drawing on the Greek and Hebrew sources of the art of sacred singing.


L'Attente :

1 - Ave Maria 2'20

2 - O Sapientia 1'19

3 - O Adonaï 1'08

4 - Prope est Dominus 1'54

5 - Alleluia Veni Domine 3'44

6 - Dominus dixit ad me 2'17


L'Incarnation du Verbe :

7 - Puer natus est nobis 3'14

8 - Prologue de l'évangile de Saint Jean 8'32

9 - Jubilate Deo 3'49


Vers la Passion :

10 - Hosanna Filio David 0'46

11 - Pueri hebraeorum 1'53

12 - Ave Rex noster 3'50

13 - Mandatum novum 1'16

14 - Postquam surrexit Dominus a cena 2'36

15 - Dominus Jesus, postquam cenavit 1'21


La Passion du Christ :

16 - Popule meus 12'03

17 - Crucem tuam 1'13


La Résurrection :

18 -Haec Dies 5'57

19 - Alleluia Pascha nostrum 3'23


Le Don du Paraclet :

20 - Spiritus Domini 4'08


Salutation à la Mère de Dieu :

21 - Salve Regina 4'02





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