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9th Gregorian Mass: Cum Jubilo

9th Gregorian Mass: Cum Jubilo

Messa della Madonna

Ensemble Vox Cantoris
9th Gregorian Mass: Cum Jubilo
02 - Introït Salve sancta parens
04 - Gloria IX
05 - Canzon dopo la pistola
10 - Offertoire Ricercar con obligo di cantare Sancta Maria
11 - Sanctus IX

Frescobaldi - Messa della Madonna


Académie Saint-Ambroise,

Jean-Christophe Candau


Marie-Claudine TOUYERE, organ


The 9th Gregorian Mass “Cum Jublio” (with joy), devoted to the Virgin Mary celebrations, is one of the most beautiful musical devotions humankind may have ever composed in the honor of the mother of God. Gracious, and with a magnificent melodic handling, it is here enhanced by alternating with the organ mass della Madonna composed by Frescobaldi, organist of St Peter’s basilica in Rome from 1608 until his death in 1643, and by the use of polyphony.


1 - Toccata avanti la Messa 1'33

2 - Introït Salve sancta parens 5'28

3 - Kyrie IX 5'33

4 - Gloria IX 4'14

5 - Canzon dopo la pistola 2'16

6 - Graduel Alleluia Virga Jesse 2'55

7 - Alleluia Ave Maria 3'39

8 - Ricercar dopo il Credo 3'51

9 - Toccata avanti il Ricercar 1'19

10 - Offertoire Ricercar con obligo di cantare Sancta Maria 4'26

11 - Sanctus IX 2'03

12 - Elévation Adoramus te 1'41

13 - Toccata per l'elevatione 3'13

14 - Agnus Dei IX 1'55

15 - Communion Beata viscera | Magnificat en faux-bourdon 9'34

16 - Bergamesca 5'47

17 - Capricio sopra la Girolmeta 4'46





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